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Bible Lessons


The act of worship is the rule and not the exception in human existence. The question is not will humans worship, but rather who and how will they worship.

God calls his people to worship Him passionately, with every area of their lives, and all of our actions and attitudes have the possibility of bringing honor or subsequently dishonor to God. We believe giving, your daily job or profession "and whatever you do, do it as unto God, " all equate to worship.

In the matter of sanctuary worship, you will find us lifting our hands Psalms 134:2, 1 Tim 2:8. You will find many instruments engaged in worship, Psalms 150: 3-5. You may observe those dancing before the Lord, 1 Samuel 18:6, Jeremiah 31:13, Psalms 149:3, Psalms 30:11.

We may be loud, and we may Shout unto the Lord, as the scripture has said, Isaiah 49:13, Isaiah 12:6, Psalms 118:15. We are Pentecostal and as such embrace the Pentecostal experience of worship. 


We believe in the literal translation of the saints, sometimes referred to as the rapture or resurrection. The time is drawing near when our Lord shall appear, then the dead in Christ shall arise, and we who are alive and remain shall be caught up with them to meet our Lord in the air (I Thes. 4:13-17; I Cor. 15:51-54; Phil. 3:20-21).


Moreover, we believe that the distress upon the earth is the "beginning of sorrows" and will become more intense until ". . . there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time" (Daniel 12:1, Matthew 24:3-8), and that a period of "tribulation" will be followed by the dawn of a better day on earth and that for a thousand years there shall be peace on earth and goodwill toward men. Jesus will return and set up His earthly kingdom before this thousand years begins (Rev. 20:1-5; Is. 65:17-25; Mt. 5:5; Dan. 7:27; Mic. 4:1, 2; Heb. 2:14; Rom. 11:25-27). We believe Jesus will return to the earth prior to the millennium.

When the thousand years are finished, there shall be a resurrection of all the dead, and the Judgement of the wicked, who will be summoned before the great white throne for their final judgment, and all whose names are not found written in the Book of Life shall be cast into the lake of fire, burning with brimstone, which God hath prepared for the Devil and his angels, Satan himself being cast in first (Mt. 25:41; Rev. 20:7, 15, 21:8).


Joining a church can mean many things to many people. Some seek out God and community when they feel they have lost their way, or are seeking a deeper purpose, or perhaps are looking for a way to connect to their family and cultural identity. But it is our belief that the Church, at its core, is about finding love, redemption, and the saving work of the cross.

At Branson Calvary Apostolic,  United Pentecostal Church, we inspire individuals of all ages and backgrounds to bring the Almighty into their lives at every moment - moments of joy, moments of despair, and the in-between Godly in our daily lives. We are committed to the teachings of Jesus Christ and the Apostles. We embrace the obedience of the gospel found in  Acts 2:38, 1 Tim 3; 16,  and belief in One God, One Lord, One Faith, and One Baptism. We are here to spread His message with loving patience and kindness. 


Our experience and doctrine should conform to the complete biblical pattern. As we respond to the gospel and believe on Jesus Christ, we will repent of our sins, be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remissions of sins, and receive the infilling of the Holy Ghost evident by speaking in tongues as the Spirit gives the utterance (Acts chapters 2, 8, 10, 19). We do not reject those who have not received the complete New Testament experience, but we encourage them to receive everything God has for them.


Ultimately, each of us is accountable to God for our response of faith. The Bible is the sole authority for salvation; the basis of salvation is Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection; salvation comes only by grace through faith in Jesus Christ; and the application of grace and the expression of faith comes as a person obeys the gospel, thereby receiving the new birth promised by Jesus. We further believe that as part of  Christ's saving work he atoned for our healing and hat in addition to the saving power he provided for our


Salvation requires a holy response to a holy God, we call this Holiness. Holiness is the manifestation of the salvation process and the relationship of godliness developing in one's life.  It is a joyful privilege; a part of abundant life; a blessing from God’s grace; a glorious life of freedom and power. The life of holiness fulfills God’s original intention and design for humanity. For the Spirit-filled believer who loves God, holiness is the normal—indeed the only—way to live.

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10:30 AM
Sunday School
and Worship




7:00 PM
Prayer and
Bible Study


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(417) 335-2399
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©2020 Branson Calvary Apostolic Church

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